Dear Student Applicant:
The Association for Compensatory Educators of Texas (ACET) is an association of school administrators and teachers who work in programs across the state designed to support students who historically have a more difficult time in school due to language, economic and other barriers. Our Association offers twenty $1,000 scholarships across the state to students who have, at some time in their school career, been enrolled in a compensatory education program. Compensatory Education includes programs such as Title I, Bilingual/ESL, State Compensatory Education (SCE), Migrant, and Homeless. The top scoring applicant in the state will also receive the Wade and Sandy Burroughs Scholarship in the amount of $500.
Thank you for your interest in the 2023-2024 ACET Student Scholarship. Eligible applicants must submit a completed application via the registration link no later than Friday, February 16, 2024. Applications received after the deadline are ineligible. No portion or signature may be omitted.
All student applicants must have documented proof (i.e. counselor signature) of participation in a compensatory education program. Compensatory programs provide additional assistance and support for students who have difficulty in school.
Feel free to contact your assigned Regional Director by email at if you have any questions. Click here for the Regional Directors Page.
Thank you for your interest.
Camie Holcombe
ACET Scholarship Committee Chair
Review the documents below then begin your application.
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”2023 ACET Revised Student Scoring Rubric – final”]
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”2023 ACET Student Checklist – CE FINAL-2″]
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”2022 ACET Student Scholarship Timeline – CE FINAL-3″]
Click on the map to find the Region where your high school is located

Scholarship applications deadline Friday, February 16, 2024.