
Become a Sponsor and Reap the Rewards

As a sponsor for ACET conferences and professional development opportunities, you have the unique opportunity to engage with and support a community of dedicated educators in Texas. Don’t miss out on the benefits of becoming an ACET sponsor.

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Through sponsorship of ACET’s conferences, your company has the opportunity to connect with educators from across Texas and showcase your products and services. Our events offer high quality presentations, hands-on workshops, and networking opportunities for our attendees.

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Become a sponsor for one of our conferences and experience the benefits for your business.

ACET members

over 1500

in person conferences


Virtual Academies


Sponsor Booths available


Get ready for the Spring Conference in Houston!

Diagram with the Platinum spaces from the Royal Sonesta


What if I want other people to attend the conference?

Attendee registration will open on January 31st 2025 at 9am CST if you wish to have other staff members who are not part of your complimentary registration attend sessions they must purchase their ticket separately once attendee registration opens.

Who should I add as my complimentary registration?

Complimentary registrations should include people who will attend sessions because they will receive a conference badge.

When can I add additional sponsorship opportunities?

Additional sponsorship opportunities may purchased at anytime. To purchase one please contact Becky Perez.

How many booths can I purchase?

Each sponsor make only purchase 1 booth.

What if my staff will not attend sessions?

Staff members who will only be manning the booth do not need a registration and will not receive a conference badge.

How many complimentary registrations do I receive?

Platinum: 1 conference registration and 4 people allowed at exhibit table

Gold: 3 people allowed at exhibit table no complimentary conference registrations

How do I choose my booth location?

Booth selection will be made during ticket purchase. Keep in mind a booth is not yours until it is paid. Please see the booth map below. The green tables marked with a P are only for Platinum Sponsors.

Where is the Conference Hotel Information?

The booking link will be emailed to you by January 31st when attendee registration opens. Platinum sponsors will receive a form to fill out, in order to be a part of the room block.

How do I purchase a booth?

After you add your sponsorship level to your cart. On the cart screen you will see the option to choose the booth. Add your booth to the cart along with your sponsorship level, then proceed to checkout.

Please do not proceed to checkout until you Pick your booth.

Sponsor ACET & Impact Texas Education